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Job opening for International Students in Seoul: Mapia company info & Job Description




MAPIA, Seoul-based enterprise with inclusive business focus on IT development, Marketing, and Intellectual Property Management, is a recipient of “Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2018”, our services reach over 180 countries, with diversified businesses including but not limited to music streaming, video contents distribution, copyright management & licensing, publishing, and talents management. MAPIA’s cross-border video contents distribution division consists of multi-cultural international task force members (Russian, Korean, Japanese, HongKonger, Chinese Mainlander). The division official establishment was in late 2020. Its first batch of 3 YouTubers’ Chinese video contents channels reached 9.3 million views in less than 30 days. 
Company: Mapiacompany
Job Position: Project Manager
Job Type: Full-time Staff 
Location: Seongdong-gu, Seoul 
Job Description:
  • Recruit and contract clients (YouTubers, MCNs) for collaboration and partnership
  • Grow and maintain productive relations with VIP clients (YouTubers, MCNs)
  • Filter and sort out suitable video contents/YouTubers for Chinese or other major market entry 
Job Qualification Requirements:
  • at least bilingual in a major world language and English, fluency in English is a must
  • acute market awareness about popular and trendy YouTube contents 
  • experienced business communication and negotiation skills, and excellent English writing skills
  • self-driven and self-motivated
Bonus Points: 
  • language skills: Russian, Japanese, or Chinese
  • F2, F4, F6 or Working Visa in Korea
  • fluency in Chinese language 
  • video editing and thumbnails designing skills 
Warmest Regards 
Global Business Director of Mapiacompany 
William WU

MAPIA, a Korea-based IT & Marketing enterprise, is a recipient of “Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2018”, our services reach over 180 countries, with diversified businesses of music, video contents distribution, copyright management & licensing, publishing, talents management, etc.


CONTACT INFORMATION: Please forward your brief cover letter and resume to Mr. William Wu at williamwu@mapiacompany.com.